
WHITE WALL by Neal Donahue

White Wall

It was a moment to remember,

the wave of green water rising

above as it hit the rock shelf,

spray lifted over my head,

a constellation of foam bits

suspended briefly, then falling

in a sheet of spume, white stars

against the bluest sky, epiphany,

before the water rushing forward

thigh deep nearly knocked me over.


Even when only ankle deep and

watching the huge wave suck

the sea out to form a depression

as the wave rose, I could not move,

the power of the surf mesmerizing,

its danger no longer considered,

only the white anonymity of the

onrushing sea in true focus, as if

nothing else mattered, just the pure

thrill of feeling completely alive.


Neal Donahue was born in Maine but grew up on Long Island. His college education in Oklahoma was subsidized by the Navy and he majored in English. After serving 5 years as a submarine officer, he taught elementary school in Massachusetts and Vermont, incorporating poetry into his curriculum. Neal has had a number of poems published in small journals.

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